Allergy Consultations
If you have been referred for allergy testing, please read this important information ahead of your appointment so you are well prepared.
Children referred with possible food allergy will be seen in the Pediatric Allergy Clinic, on the second floor of Nanaimo Regional General Hospital.
For all other allergy-related assessments, the appointment may be scheduled at NRGH or Red Canoe Pediatrics. Please check your email booking confirmation instructions carefully.
Bring to your appointment a small sample of any food that you are concerned that your child might be allergic to. Also bring your EpiPen if you have one.
Very important - Stop all antihistamines 5 days prior to your appointment (you may continue eczema creams, asthma puffers and nose sprays).
Here is a video what skin prick testing is all about! It helps for you and your child to be prepared so it is not so scary!